All Final & Pre final year students are here by informed that they have to Download Resume Template from here & submit to the Coordinators before 17th Feb,2016

Students can contact the different coordinators as given below:
1. Mr. Parul Jangra : All Diploma Students (final year).
2. Mr. Yogesh Kumar : BCA and BTECH (cse) (pre final & final year)
3. Ms. Neha Bhat : BBA and MBA (pre and final year).
4. Mr. Sonu prakash : All BTech. (Except CSE) (pre and final year).

Students are also required to submit the hard-copy of resume to the coordinators.

Note : The last Date of filling is 17th Feburary 2016.

Download Resume Template Here
Resume template

Placement@GTC Placement Brochure

College Notice

Admission Enquiry Form Placement@GTC

Admission Enquiry

+91-8684 000 906


Placement@ GTC